It's finals week. I'm dying. Naturally. Running on 2-3 hours of sleep per night, if any. Last week, we were at the warehouse for 24 hours straight. And I pulled another all-nighter right after that. It's not too bad though, since everyone was at the warehouse together. All 41 of us. We're getting on some fam status and I love it. Not to mention, my LaSarah impressions are requested often, since half my class didn't even know about it. Safe to say I'll be in hibernation for a good week when I get home. I can't wait to see my family and my friends. (But my family more.) We're all gonna be together on Christmas this year instead of splitting up the crowd by sides (mom's / dad's) and I'm sooooo excited, I can't even explain it. But anyways. Vid cred- Muse is amazing, and I've added 'Supermassive Black Hole' to my list of the top 10 stripper songs of all time (or as chosen by me). As a serious quest, I only have about 4 songs on that list so far. When it's complete, I'll let you know. Also, I'm adding some of my own work to the collection this time. I did some candy packaging for one of my finals, check it.

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