Massimo Vignelli. Basically, he's a design god. he came to Syracuse to do a lecture and it was sooo inspiring. he's all about timeless design and grid use. i'm a little obsessed with him, nothing unhealthy though.

we've all seen his work (the nyc subway map and signs). he's done subway systems like these internationally for a bunch of major cities. besides this, he designed the big calendar, the american airlines logo, and much much much more with anything from furniture, industrial, exhibition, fashion, and corporate identity design.

greatest. soda. ever. it's pretty hard to find, even in nyc, but their flavors (blue berry, blood orange, citrus zing, and ginger root) are all so good. i like the packaging too.

baby bulldogs are fucking adorable.


sick fabric from IKEA (love of my life.)


A, for amazing chocolate research factory in singapore.

B. their awesome chocolate bar packaging.

i can not wait to go home for thankgiving break for this. caracas is an arepas bar in nyc that i saw on 'throwdown with bobby flay' on the food network. i went and fell in lovee. for anyone who isn't venezuelan, arepas are stuffed corn cakes that are filled with combinations of delicious everything. aka orgasm in your mouth.

aliceinwonderland-esque couch that will be in my future living room.
Qui ĂȘtes vous, Polly Maggoo?
jenny holzer.

le book. (london edition) an international visual reference bible of art direction, photography and illustration, along with a comprehensive list of luxury hotels, PR, modeling, photo agencies etc. aka the yellow pages for cool people.


happy socks. i want.

pierre paulin ribbon chair.

louis vuitton, i love you. and your 80's swag.

anyone who really knows me, knows i have a fixation with equal width stripes. and big sunglasses, ofcourse.
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